by Mariecarl Alexandra B. Caringal and Jannette R. Contridas

In its pursuit of improving the university’s quality of education and service as well as to ensure that its management system is impeccable, Eastern Samar State University (ESSU) Guiuan Campus have undergone Level One Accreditation from the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) and have held a closing meeting for the 5-day activity on March 18, 2022 at the Campus Function Hall.

            In the exit conference, Dr. Marcela T. Caluscosin, Survey Teams Coordinator, outlined the accreditation process saying that, “The team was divided into three. First, on the accreditation process, second, on the programs, and third, on the plans.” She also stated that resourcefulness was very evident during the accreditation proceedings especially in the conduct of the basic extension sites were different media were used for the video presentation.

            Dr. Caluscosin mentioned in her talk that the commitment and perseverance to learn and grow shown by the assigned faculties from different areas during the accreditation are manifestations of the detective leadership and management of the head of every program. She also commended how evident the support of the administration for the faculty and students was. She added that there is a strong evidence of team collaborative research as the faculty researchers in the programs worked with other programs to act as multi-disciplinary researchers.

            Moreover, Mr. Jared Harem Q. Celis, Campus Administrator, stated that making it to the finish line is already considered a success and passing the accreditation is an additional bonus. He also expressed that efforts and success are acknowledged and are highly appreciated by the administration of the university since without cooperation and support, the undertaking would not have been possible.

            Furthermore, Mr. Celis emphasized that he is committed that all recommendations given by the accreditors will always be considered by the administration as basis for better decision making in its journey for progress, and that they shall be guided by the university’s core values of excellence, accountability and service.

            Prof. Lolita C. Padriquez, Director of External Affairs and Quality Assurance, stated that the accreditation is a measure of the university’s quality journey. She also added that, “…the ESSU Guiuan family is determined in doing the needed adjustment resolution to achieve excellence in education since this is the only way for us to improve university’s cooperation especially now that we are facing a lot of challenges”.

            The giving of certificates to the accreditors was presented by Mr. Caesar Tristan G. Gaytos, Head of Supply and Property Office and the Master of Ceremony for the undertaking. Before the closing meeting ended, the Deans, Program Heads, and the Faculty and Staff who attended the activity sang the ESSU Hymn.